Python in Visual Studio Code


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This tutorial will focus on the setting of Python in Visual Studio Code.

Step 1: Download The Required Software

Step 2: Installing Visual Studio Code & Python
By click the installers to install Python and Visual Studio Code. Then choose the default configuration(next, next, and next)

Step 3: Install the Python extension for VS Code.

Click Extension icon. And input "Python extension for VS Code" to search the extension. Then, install(or reload) it.

Step 4: Creating a VS Code project folder
Creating a folder to your preferred path. Open this folder from VS Code.
File ==> Open Folder

Step 5: Checking the Python
Open a New Terminal, 

Type the command "py -V" to check python version. If the version is the installed version from Step 2 (On my PC, it is 3.7.2), then go to the next step.

Step 6: Select a Python interpreter
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P). And type the Python: Select Interpreter command to search. Then, select the command. 

Step 7: Create a Python source file
Click the New File button:

Name it and input the following code, and save the file. 
greetingMsg = "Welcome to python world"

Step 8: Run the source file
Right-click in the editor and select Run Python File in Terminal(在終端機中執行Python檔案):

And the result will display on the terminal window:

If you see the above result, then your python developing environment is ready. Have a fun with Python programming!.

