First NDS Programming Project: hello nds


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此篇文章介紹如何在 Windows 系統上建立 Nintendo DS 的遊戲程式開發環境。
This post introduces "how to setup Nintendo DS game programming development environment on Windows".

步驟一:安裝 devkitPro
Step 1: Install devkitPro

Watch this video to install devkitPro

在選擇 Choose Components 時,請將 NDS Development 勾選。
Check the NDS Development in "Choose Components" window. 

Step 2: Down DS emulator and firmware

DS的模擬器有好幾款,而筆者選用 melonDS ,下載解壓縮即可。
There are serveral emulator for NDS. We could choose melonDS. Just download it and extract it.

步驟三:設定 melon DS
Step 3: Setting melon DS
開啟 melon DS,選擇 Config --> Emu settings
Run melon DS and open Emu settings (Config --> Emu settings)

在 DS-mode 分頁選擇 DS ARM9 BIOS、DS ARM7 BIOS、DS firmware檔案路徑。
Choose DS ARM9 BIOS, DS ARM7 BIOS, DS firmware binary files in DS-mode tab.

步驟四:編譯 hello world 範例
Step 4: Building hello world example
開啟 MSys2(以Windows 10 為例,在開始 --> devkitPro --> MSys2)。 
Open MSys2(Start --> devkitPro --> MSys2 on Windows 10)

Change folder to "hello_world" example command:
cd /c/devkitPro/examples/nds/hello_world

Building it command:

成功時可看見 built ... hello_world.nds 執行檔。
The binary file is ready when we see "built ... hello_world.nds".

Step 5: Testing on Emulator
開啟 melon DS,選擇 File --> Open Roms
Run melon DS. Click File --> Open Roms

Emulator Demo Video:

Step 6: Run it on NDS device
See to set up a SD card.
Then copy "hello_world.nds" to SD card.

On DS device Video:


bDesigner 設計 Arduino 離線模式


本網誌介紹了bDesigner 與 Arduino 互動,那麼那要如何讓 Arduino 自行運作(不需要電腦的離機模式)呢?


方法一:使用 Scratch 3
步驟一:開啟 Scratch 3
軟體點選 Scratch 3,積木類型選 USB連多個 Arduino

步驟二:開啟 C離線燒錄模式
點選在 Scratch 3上方選單【檔案】==> 【C離線燒錄】。

此時會出現如下的Scratch 3畫面:


步驟三:設計 LED 閃爍積木程式
在Scratch 3積木區設計如下積木程式

步驟四:燒錄 LED 閃爍積木程式
將Arduino UNO 接上電腦,再點選在 Scratch 3上方選單【上傳與監看】==> 【用Arduino IDE開啟】。

選擇好Board: "Arduino Uno" 以及 Port: "COM" (請選擇自己電腦上的Uno COM編號),按下燒錄按鈕


方法二:使用 C Blockly
步驟一:開啟 C Blockly
軟體點選 C Blockly,積木類型不用選。

步驟二: 設計 LED 閃爍積木程式
在C Blockly積木區設計如下積木程式

步驟三: 燒錄 LED 閃爍積木程式
將Arduino UNO 接上電腦,再點選在 C Blockly 上方選單【上傳】==> 【用IDE開啟】

選擇好Board: "Arduino Uno" 以及 Port: "COM" (請選擇自己電腦上的Uno COM編號),按下燒錄按鈕


Solution to Karel Coding – Hour of Code

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Here comes the possible solutions to Karel Coding: Hour of Code

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

Level 13

Level 14

Level 15

MakeCode Microbit 遙控機器人 (Microbit Remote-Controlled Robot)


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本篇文章將講解如何製作一個簡易的遙控機器人,此篇文章所使用的機器人為【麥昆智能小車 (Maqueen)】。This post will build a simple remote car with Maqueen which is a micro:bit based robot platform for education.

一、功能如下(Game Design): 

訊號說明(The communication way):

使用英文字母f、b、l、r、s 五個字母,對應動作為:f 為前進、b 為後退、l 為左轉、r 為右轉、s 為停止。Using the first letter of each action: forward, backward, left, right, stop. That is, the letter f stands for forward. The letter b stands for backward, and so on. 

遙控器(The controller)

  • 按下 A + B 按鈕時,送出停止(stop)訊號。Sending a stop signal when button A and B are pressed.
  • Microbit 板子向上傾斜時,送出前進f(forward)訊號。Sending a forward signal when tilting the microbit front.
  • Microbit 板子向下傾斜時,送出後退b(backward)訊號。Sending a backward signal when tilting the microbit back.
  • Microbit 板子向左傾斜時,送出左轉l(left)訊號。Sending a left signal when tilting the microbit to the left.
  • Microbit 板子向右傾斜時,送出右轉r(right)訊號。Sending a right signal when tilting the microbit to the right.

車子(The car)
  • 收到停止(stop)訊號時,車子停止。On receiving a stop signal, the car will stop.
  • 收到前進f(forward)訊號時,車子前進。On receiving a forward signal, the car will move forward.
  • 收到後退f(backward)訊號時,車子後退。On receiving a backward signal, the car will move backward.
  • 收到左轉l(left)訊號時,車子左轉。On receiving a left signal, the car will turn left .
  • 收到右轉r(right)訊號時,車子右轉。On receiving a right signal, the car will turn right .

二、積木程式(Blocks Code)

程式啟動時(On Start):

遙控器(The controller)

  • 按下 A + B 按鈕時,送出停止(stop)訊號。Sending a stop signal when button A and B are pressed.
  • Microbit 板子向上傾斜時,送出前進f(forward)訊號。Sending a forward signal when tilting the microbit front.
  • Microbit 板子向下傾斜時,送出後退b(backward)訊號。Sending a backward signal when tilting the microbit back.
  • Microbit 板子向左傾斜時,送出左轉l(left)訊號。Sending a left signal when tilting the microbit to the left.
  • Microbit 板子向右傾斜時,送出右轉r(right)訊號。Sending a right signal when tilting the microbit to the right.

車子(The car)
  • 收到停止(stop)訊號時,車子停止。On receiving a stop signal, the car will stop.
  • 收到前進f(forward)訊號時,車子前進。On receiving a forward signal, the car will move forward.
  • 收到後退f(backward)訊號時,車子後退。On receiving a backward signal, the car will move backward.
  • 收到左轉l(left)訊號時,車子左轉。On receiving a left signal, the car will turn left .
  • 收到右轉r(right)訊號時,車子右轉。On receiving a right signal, the car will turn right .

三、結果(The Results)
影片(Demo Video):

範例網址(Example Code):

bDesigner 與 Arduino 互動


bDesigner 簡短介紹
bDesigner 是由桃園市八德國小蔡佳倫老師自行研發之Scratch擴充積木軟體以及blockly程式。在他的 Youtube上也有很多的教學影片。除了可以使用 Scratch 3 以外,還可與多種硬體(如Arduino UNO、Nano、ESP32、Microbit等)互動,使用這一套就可以省去了一直安裝不同軟體的時間,非常適合接觸多種硬體與blockly程式教學的老師們。

底下為筆者使用 bDesigner 與 Arduino UNO、Nano 的筆記紀錄。

與 Arduino Nano 互動
以MiniUSB 將 Nano 連接到電腦上,開啟 bDesigner,點選上方選單的燒錄 --> 開啟燒錄程式

選擇板子 Arduino NanoCOM編號(請讀者根據自己電腦上的編號做選擇),按下燒錄



步驟二:開啟 Scratch 3
軟體點選 Scratch 3,積木類型選 USB連多個 Arduino

步驟三:添加 Scratch 3擴展
點選 Scratch 3 左下方的擴展圖示,選擇bDesigner(Arduino)擴展

步驟四:設計 Arduino 內建 LED閃爍積木程式

此時,按下綠旗,就可以看到 Nano 板子上標示 L 的 LED 燈閃爍三次(下圖紅色矩形的LED燈)

與 Arduino UNO 互動
此部分除了在燒錄時,需選擇板子 Arduino UNO外,其餘步驟和 與 Arduino Nano 互動 一樣。

那要如何讓 Arduino 自行運作(不需要電腦的離機模式)呢?

MakeCode Microbit 遊戲設計:貓追老鼠遊戲(Microbit Game: Cat Chasing Mouse Game)


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In this post, we're going to create a a simple chasing game: "cat chasing mouse", where you tilt the microbit to control a cat which is chasing a blinking mouse on the LED screen.

一、遊戲功能如下(Game Design): 

  • 遊戲時間一分鐘。One minute game.
  • 遊戲開始時,貓在畫面正中央。The cat is at the screen center when the game on start.
  • 老鼠不停閃爍,老鼠跑到隨機位置。The mouse is blinking and at random position on the screen.
  • 板子往上傾斜時,貓往上移動。The cat move up when tilting the microbit front.
  • 板子往下傾斜時,貓往下移動。The cat move down when tilting the microbit back.
  • 板子往右傾斜時,貓往右移動。The cat move to right when tilting the microbit to the right.
  • 板子往左傾斜時,貓往左移動。The cat move to left when tilting the microbit to the left.
  • 貓捉到老鼠時,得一分,老鼠跑到隨機位置。 When the cat catches the mouse, the mouse runs to random position. The player scores 1 point.

二、積木程式(Blocks Code)

遊戲時間一分鐘。One minute game.
遊戲開始時,貓在畫面正中央。The cat is at the screen center when the game on start.
老鼠不停閃爍,老鼠跑到隨機位置。The mouse is blinking and at random position on the screen.

板子往上傾斜時,貓往上移動。The cat move up when tilting the microbit front.
板子往下傾斜時,貓往下移動。The cat move down when tilting the microbit back.

板子往右傾斜時,貓往右移動。The cat move to right when tilting the microbit to the right.
板子往左傾斜時,貓往左移動。The cat move to left when tilting the microbit to the left.

貓捉到老鼠時,得一分,老鼠跑到隨機位置。 When the cat catches the mouse, the mouse runs to random position. The player scores 1 point.

三、結果(The Results)
影片(Demo Video):

More Ideas examples: Two players game...etc. 

範例網址(Example Code):