First NDS Programming Project: hello nds


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此篇文章介紹如何在 Windows 系統上建立 Nintendo DS 的遊戲程式開發環境。
This post introduces "how to setup Nintendo DS game programming development environment on Windows".

步驟一:安裝 devkitPro
Step 1: Install devkitPro

Watch this video to install devkitPro

在選擇 Choose Components 時,請將 NDS Development 勾選。
Check the NDS Development in "Choose Components" window. 

Step 2: Down DS emulator and firmware

DS的模擬器有好幾款,而筆者選用 melonDS ,下載解壓縮即可。
There are serveral emulator for NDS. We could choose melonDS. Just download it and extract it.

步驟三:設定 melon DS
Step 3: Setting melon DS
開啟 melon DS,選擇 Config --> Emu settings
Run melon DS and open Emu settings (Config --> Emu settings)

在 DS-mode 分頁選擇 DS ARM9 BIOS、DS ARM7 BIOS、DS firmware檔案路徑。
Choose DS ARM9 BIOS, DS ARM7 BIOS, DS firmware binary files in DS-mode tab.

步驟四:編譯 hello world 範例
Step 4: Building hello world example
開啟 MSys2(以Windows 10 為例,在開始 --> devkitPro --> MSys2)。 
Open MSys2(Start --> devkitPro --> MSys2 on Windows 10)

Change folder to "hello_world" example command:
cd /c/devkitPro/examples/nds/hello_world

Building it command:

成功時可看見 built ... hello_world.nds 執行檔。
The binary file is ready when we see "built ... hello_world.nds".

Step 5: Testing on Emulator
開啟 melon DS,選擇 File --> Open Roms
Run melon DS. Click File --> Open Roms

Emulator Demo Video:

Step 6: Run it on NDS device
See to set up a SD card.
Then copy "hello_world.nds" to SD card.

On DS device Video:

