If you like this post, please click the ads on the blog or buy me a coffee. Thank you very much.本篇文章將講解如何製作一個簡易的猜數字遊戲。
This post introduces how to create a simple number-guessing game with Microbit.
一、遊戲功能如下:The game functions:
A 按鈕使用者猜數字,每按一次則加 1。
B 按鈕使用者猜數字,每按一次則減 1。
- 遊戲一開始自動產生一個 0 - 9 的數字讓使用者猜猜看。Pick a random from 0 to 9 when the game starts.
- A 按鈕使用者猜數字,每按一次則加 1。Plus one to user's guess when button A is pressed.
- B 按鈕使用者猜數字,每按一次則減 1。Minus one to user's guess when button B is pressed.
- A + B 按鈕比較結果,使用者猜對時,遊戲重頭開始。When button A and button B are pressed, check the result. If the user's guess is correct, the game restarts.
二、積木程式 The Blocks
先使用 Make a Variable 來建立兩個變數:answer 與 guess 。
Click Make a Variable to create two variables:answer and guess.
遊戲一開始自動產生一個 0 - 9 的數字讓使用者猜猜看。
Pick a random from 0 to 9 when the game starts.
A 按鈕使用者猜數字,每按一次則加 1。
Plus one to user's guess when button A is pressed.
B 按鈕使用者猜數字,每按一次則減 1。
Minus one to user's guess when button B is pressed.
A + B 按鈕比較結果,使用者猜對時,遊戲重頭開始。
When button A and button B are pressed, check the result. If the user's guess is correct, the game restarts.
三、結果 The results
影片 Video:
Please adding extra functions. For example, timing or scoring.
範例網址Project sample :https://makecode.microbit.org/_0AuayChcLDdW