Running RTAndroid on Raspberry Pi 3 在樹莓派3上運行Android


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本篇文章主要參考資料Youtube上的教學影片:How To Install Android Android Nougat 7.0 On Raspberry Pi 3 Using Linux
By referring to this Youtube video:How To Install Android Android Nougat 7.0 On Raspberry Pi 3 Using Linux. Raspberry Pi 3 could be running on Android.

不同的是,筆者是從USB隨身碟進入Lubuntu系統,此部分是使用Rufus軟體製作可從USB隨身碟開機的方式,方法可參考此篇文章:How to create a bootable USB stick on Windows
By the way, you can use Rufus to create a bootable Lubuntu USB stick. [Please refer to this article: How to create a bootable USB stick on Windows]

製作好USB隨身碟後,按照教學影片,一步一步做就可得到類似以下圖片的結果,此文使用的RTAndroid版本為rtandroid-aosp-7.1-20170118-rpi3,看來Google Play Service會不時當機。
Next, following the steps in the video. RTAndroid 7.1-20170118 is running on Raspberry Pi 3. But, Google Play Service is stopped sometimes.
