Python 排序演算法範例 ( Sorting Algorithms in Python )


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前陣子看到真人上演 Sorting Algorithms 的影片:
There are a tutorial video about sorting algorithms:

影片中介紹了Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort。筆者就用蟒蛇(Python)來示範這四個排序演算法吧!
The video introduces four sorting algorithms: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort. Let me show you how to implement these algorithms in Python.

插入排序 Insertion Sort:
選擇排序 Selection Sort:
合併排序 Merge Sort:
泡沫排序 Bubble Sort:

[1] 插入排序
[2] 選擇排序
[3] 氣泡排序
[4] 合併排序
