1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | public class Solution { public int[] searchRange(int[] nums, int target) { int n = nums.length; int left = 0, right = n - 1; int[] result = new int[] { -1, -1 }; // The left boundary while (left < right) { int mid = (left + right) /2; if (nums[mid] < target) left = mid + 1; else right = mid; } if (nums[left] != target) return result; else result[0] = left; // The right boundary right = n-1; while (left < right) { int mid = (left + right) / 2 + 1; if (nums[mid] > target) right = mid - 1; else left = mid; } result[1] = right; return result; } } |
程式設計可以改變您的未來(Programming can change your future)。 雲林SONG 全名為雲林軟體工程(SOftware eNGineering),目標致力於軟體人才的培養並推廣開源軟體落實於資訊教育。程式設計的觀念是軟體產品的基礎,程式碼就像沙子一樣,要紮實,所建立出來的高塔才會穩固。本站也提供資訊教育相關的教學資源。 YunlinSONG stands for Yunlin SOftware eNGineering, offering tutorial for computer programming and promoting open-source software. Teaching resources in information technology education are provided here.
LeetCode OJ: 34. Search for a Range
題目連結,解法為從陣列左右兩邊各用Binary Search找一次。
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